In the case of Avast at least, once you switch the shields back on, the Start menu search may continue working as it should. You could just try disabling your Avast shields temporarily, which should get the Start menu search back.
( Windows Defender itself has become a viable, secure option in recent years.) Avast is one culprit, so try uninstalling that if you have it, then find an alternative if need be. To be clear, we’re not suggesting here that you should disable and completely remove all third-party antivirus software from your device, but based on feedback here and across the Internet, certain programs cause Windows Search to malfunction. Disable/Restart Third-Party Antivirus, Enable Windows Firewall
In addition, running the SFC utility in Windows 10 Safe Mode could solve the problem for you, so that’s worth a shot if doing it in regular Windows 10 fails. Give that the Start menu search is a system process, any errors in it should be detected by using the SFC utility. Before we proceed to lead you concerning the prospects of repairing the usual concerns of the taskbar and how you can assist your taskbar job again, it is crucial that you discover the attributes and all other essential points that are new to this Windows 10 taskbar. This will scan your system files for any errors and corruptions and automatically attempt to fix them. Has your Windows 10 Taskbar Stopped Working or is it not Responding How to fix the Broken Taskbar.