Step 6: On Command prompt, type in : netsh wlan start hostednetwork, and then press Enter to open wifi hotspot. Step 5: On Sharing tab, check the Allow other network users to connect through this computer's Internet connection. Step 4: Right click Wireless Network Connection-2 -> choose Properties. Step 3: Open Network and Sharing Center: Right click wifi icon -> click Network and Sharing Center -> Click Change adapter setting on right panel.
This hotspot, use command: netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=disallow ssid=coco key=0123456789 Note: ssid=coco, the coco is the wifi hotspot name, key=coco123, coco123 is the wifi password. Step 2:In command prompt, type in: netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=coco key=0123456789, and press Enter to run this command. Step 1: Run cmd.exe as administrator: Start -> type in: cmd.exe -> right click cmd.exe on search result box and choose Run as Administrator. Tips: Your computer or your laptop must be installed a wireless network adapter. This post will tell you how to set your laptop as a wifi hotspot, so the other network devices (smart phone, tablet PC, laptop) can go to internet via your laptop.